
Table of Contents

The Availability of the Zamorano 80
George Boeck

The Zamarano Club's description of the Zamarano 80 observes that 'it has been very difficult to obtain all eighty titles'.  Only slightly more than half of the Zamorano 80 were available for sale as first editions in October 2010.  Most of these cost between $200 and $500, although several cost thousands. On the other hand, 70 of the titles were available in modern form.  Sixty-five could be purchased as inexpensive, current editions.  Seventy-one of the titles were in electronic form and free for the taking. The publishers of in-print editions and links to on-line editions are inserted into the list printed below.  

Thirty-five publishers of printed editions were represented, but only six offered more than one or two titles. Of the titles on-line, 55 were images of the first or an early edition; almost all of these were found on Google Books. Seven titles are only available on-line.

In the Zamorano list below, publishers of in-print editions are named and links to on-line editions are provided. Obviously, the preferred on-line edition is the first.  Sadly, THE ZAMORANO 80 itself is not available on-line.

The following titles were not available in modern print editions or on-line:

John Henry Brown, REMINISCENCES AND INCIDENTS OF EARLY DAYS OF SAN FRANCISCO (1845-1850). San Francisco: Mission Journal Publishing Company, [1886].
Carlos Antonio Carrillo, EXPOSICIÓN DIRIGIDA A LA CÁMARA DE DIPUTADOS DEL CONGRESSO ... Mexico: Imprenta del C. Alejandro Valdés, 1831.
Miguel Costansó, DIARIO HISTÓRICO DE LOS VIAGES DE MAR ... Mexico: De Orden del Excmo. Sr. Virrey, Imprenta del Superior Gobierno, [1770].
Alonzo Delano, OLD BLOCK'S SKETCH BOOK; OR, TALES OF CALIFORNIA LIFE. Sacramento: James Anthony, 1856.
Auguste Bernard Duhaut-Cilly, VOYAGE AUTOUR DU MONDE, PRINCIPALEMENT À LA CALIFORNIE ET AUX ILES SANDWICH ... Paris: Arthus Bertrand, 1835-35.
[Portolá.] ESTRACTO DE NOTICIAS DEL PUERTO DE MONTERREY ... Mexico: Con licencia y orden, del Exmo. Señor Virrey, Impr. del Superior Govierno, 1770.
José Figueroa, MANIFIESTO A LA REPÚBLICA MEJICANA ... Monterey: Agustén V. Zamorano, 1835.

Providers of most of the on-line editions:

Google Books (56, 4 of which were unique)
University of Virginia Library (3)
Library of Congress (19)
MOA (Making of America) (3)
Internet Archive (3)
Gutenberg (5)

Providers of most of the titles on paper:

Biblio Life (6)
British Library (5)
General (18)
Kessinger (16)
Nabu (21)
University of Michigan (5)

  1. Gertrude Atherton, THE SPLENDID IDLE FORTIES: STORIES OF OLD CALIFORNIA. New York: Macmillan, 1902.  Atherton, and via Google Books here.
  2. Mary Austin, THE LAND OF LITTLE RAIN. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, 1903.  Modern Library and via University of Virginia Library here, Google Books here and Library of Congress here.
  3. Hubert Howe Bancroft, WORKS. San Francisco: A.L. Bancroft & Co., 1882-1890.
  4. Frederick William Beechey, NARRATIVE OF A VOYAGE TO THE PACIFIC AND BEERING'S STRAIT. London: Henry Colburn & Richard Bentley, 1831.  Nabu Press and via Canadiana here and Google Books here.
  5. Horace Bell, REMINISCENCES OF A RANGER. Los Angeles: Yarnell, Caystile & Mathes, 1881. U. Oklahoma and via Google Books here and Library of Congress here.
  6. Anthony J. Bledsoe, INDIAN WARS OF THE NORTHWEST: A CALIFORNIA BOOK. San Francisco: Bacon & Company, 1885.  Kessinger and via Google Books here.
  7. Herbert Eugene Bolton, ANZA'S CALIFORNIA EXPEDITIONS. Berkeley: University of California Press, 1930.  Via U. Oregon here as Anza's diaries translated by Bolton.
  8. John David Borthwick, THREE YEARS IN CALIFORNIA. Edinburgh: W. Blackwood & Sons, 1857.  Via the Internet Archive here and Library of Congress here
  9. William Henry Brewer, UP AND DOWN CALIFORNIA IN 1860-1864: THE JOURNAL OF WILLIAM H. BREWER. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1930.  U. California and via Library of Congress here.
  10. John Henry Brown, REMINISCENCES AND INCIDENTS OF EARLY DAYS OF SAN FRANCISCO (1845-1850). San Francisco: Mission Journal Publishing Company, [1886].  Via Library of Congress here.
  11. John Ross Brown, REPORT OF THE DEBATES IN THE CONVENTION OF CALIFORNIA. Washington, DC: John T. Towers, 1850.  Nabu Press and via Google Books here.
  12. Edwin Bryant, WHAT I SAW IN CALIFORNIA. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1849.  General Press and Indy Pub and via Google Books here and Library of Congress here (included with Brook's California...).
  13. Peter Hardeman Burnett, RECOLLECTIONS AND OPINIONS OF AN OLD PIONEER. New York: D. Appleton & Co., 1880. Nabu, Forgotten, and Da Capo and via Google Books here and Library of Congress here.
  14. CALIFORNIA AND NEW MEXICO: MESSAGE FROM THE PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Washington, DC, 1850.  Ayer and via Google Books here.
  15. Carlos Antonio Carrillo, EXPOSICIÓN DIRIGIDA A LA CÁMARA DE DIPUTADOS DEL CONGRESSO ... Mexico: Imprenta del C. Alejandro Valdés, 1831.
  16. James H. Carson, EARLY RECOLLECTIONS OF THE MINES, AND A DESCRIPTION OF THE GREAT TULARE VALLEY. Stockton: San Joaquin Republican, 1852. Great West Books and Library of Congress here.
  17. Samuel Clemens [Mark Twain], THE CELEBRATED JUMPING FROG OF CALAVERAS COUNTY AND OTHER SKETCHES. New York: C.H. Webb, 1867.  Routinely available and via Internet Archive here in an 1869 ed..
  18. Samuel Clemens [Mark Twain], ROUGHING IT. Hartford: American Publishing Company, 1872.  Routinely available and as text via Gutenburg Project here, University of Virginia here, and Library of Congress here .
  20. Walter Colton, THREE YEARS IN CALIFORNIA. New York: A.S. Barnes & Co., 1850. Scholarly Publ. U. Michigan and via MOA here and Library of Congress here.
  21. Ina Donna Coolbrith, SONGS FROM THE GOLDEN GATE. Boston: Houghton, Mifflin, 1895. Bibliolife and Kessigner and via Google Books here.
  22. Miguel Costansó, DIARIO HISTÓRICO DE LOS VIAGES DE MAR ... Mexico: De Orden del Excmo. Sr. Virrey, Imprenta del Superior Gobierno, [1770].
  23. Robert Ernest Cowan, A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THE HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA AND THE PACIFIC WEST, 1510-1906. San Francisco: John Henry Nash, 1914.  Long's College Book Co and General Books and via Google Books here.
  24. Ella Sterling Cummins, THE STORY OF THE FILES: A REVIEW OF CALIFORNIAN WRITERS AND LITERATURE. San Francisco: Cooperative Printing Co., 1893. Via Google Books here.
  25. Harrison Clifford Dale, THE ASHLEY-SMITH EXPLORATIONS AND THE DISCOVERY OF A CENTRAL ROUTE TO THE PACIFIC, 1822-1829. Cleveland: Arthur H. Clark Co., 1918.  Nabu Pr. and General Books and via Google Books here.
  26. Richard Henry Dana, TWO YEARS BEFORE THE MAST: A PERSONAL NARRATIVE OF LIFE AT SEA. New York: Harper, 1840.  Routinely available and via Gutenberg here and Library of Congress here (both as text) Google Books here.
  27. William Heath Davis, SIXTY YEARS IN CALIFORNIA. San Francisco: A.J. Leary, 1889.  A.J. Leary and via Google Books here and Library of Congress here as Seventy-Five Years....
  28. Winfield J. Davis, HISTORY OF POLITICAL CONVENTIONS IN CALIFORNIA, 1849-1892. Sacramento: California State Library, 1893.  General Books and via Internet Archive here and Google Books here.
  29. Alonzo Delano, OLD BLOCK'S SKETCH BOOK; OR, TALES OF CALIFORNIA LIFE. Sacramento: James Anthony, 1856.
  30. Eugène Duflot de Mofras, EXPLORATION DU TERRITOIRE DE L'OREGON, DES CALIFORNIES ET DE LA MER VERMEILLE ... Paris: Arthus Bertrand, 1844.  HP Publishing and via Google Books v 2 here.
  31. Auguste Bernard Duhaut-Cilly, VOYAGE AUTOUR DU MONDE, PRINCIPALEMENT À LA CALIFORNIE ET AUX ILES SANDWICH ... Paris: Arthus Bertrand, 1835-35.
  32. John W. Dwinelle, THE COLONIAL HISTORY OF THE CITY OF SAN FRANCISCO. San Francisco: Towne & Bacon, 1863.  Nabu Press and General Books.
  33. William Hemsley Emory, NOTES OF A MILITARY RECONNAISSANCE ... Washington, DC: Wendel and Benthuysen, 1848.  British Library.
  34. Zephyrin Engelhardt, THE MISSIONS AND MISSIONARIES OF CALIFORNIA. San Francisco: James H. Barry, 1908-16.  Nabu and via Google Books here.
  35. [Portolá.] ESTRACTO DE NOTICIAS DEL PUERTO DE MONTERREY ... Mexico: Con licencia y orden, del Exmo. Señor Virrey, Impr. del Superior Govierno, 1770.
  36. Thomas J. Farnham, TRAVELS IN THE CALIFORNIAS AND SCENES IN THE PACIFIC OCEAN. New York: Saxton & Miles, 1844. Nabu and General Books and via Google Books here.
  37. José Figueroa, MANIFIESTO A LA REPÚBLICA MEJICANA ... Monterey: Agustén V. Zamorano, 1835.
  38. Alexander Forbes, CALIFORNIA: A HISTORY OF UPPER AND LOWER CALIFORNIA ... San Francisco: T.C. Russell, 1919.  Adamant Media and via Google Books here.
  39. John Charles Frémont, REPORT OF THE EXPLORING EXPEDITION TO THE ROCKY MOUNTAINS IN THE YEAR 1842 ... Washington, DC: Gales and Seaton, 1845.  Nabu and via Google Books here.
  40. Bret Harte, THE LUCK OF ROARING CAMP AND OTHER SKETCHES. Boston: Fields, Osgood, 1870.  Routinely available and via Google Books 1871.
  41. Lansford W. Hastings, THE EMIGRANTS' GUIDE TO OREGON AND CALIFORNIA. Cincinnati: George Conclin, 1845.  Cosimo, British Library and Da Capo and via Google Books here and University of Virginia here as text.
  42. Theodore Henry Hittell, THE ADVENTURES OF JAMES CAPEN ADAMS, MOUNTAINEER AND GRIZZLY BEAR HUNTER, OF CALIFORNIA. San Francisco: Towne and Bacon, 1860.  Nabu, General, and Kessinger and via Google Books here.
  43. Theodore Henry Hittell, HISTORY OF CALIFORNIA. San Francisco: Pacific Press Publishing House and Occidental Publishing Co., 1885-97.  General, Nabu, British and via Google Books v 1 and v 2
  44. Ogden Hoffman, REPORTS OF LAND CASES ... San Francisco: Numa Hubert, 1862.  Via Google Books here.
  45. Simeon Ide, A BIOGRAPHICAL SKETCH OF THE LIFE OF WILLIAM B. IDE. Claremont, NH, 1880. Via Google Books here.
  46. Helen Hunt Jackson, RAMONA. Boston: Roberts Bros., 1884.  Routinely available and via Google Books here and Gutenberg as text here.
  47. Clarence King, MOUNTAINEERING IN THE SIERRA NEVADA. Boston: James B. Osgood and Company, 1872.  Biolife, Nabu, and Kessinger and via MOA here  and Google Books here and as text at Library of Congress here
  48. Otto von Kotzebue, ENTDECKUNGS-REISE IN DIE SÜD-SEE UND NACH DER BERINGS-STRASSE ... Weimar, Gebrüdern Hoffmann, 1821. Via Google Books here.
  49. [Jean-François de Galaup, comte de La Pérouse,] VOYAGE DE LA PÉROUSE AUTOUR DU MONDE ... 1797.  U. Michigan and via Google Books here.
  50. Zenas Leonard, NARRATIVE OF THE ADVENTURES OF ZENAS LEONARD. Clearfield, PA: D.W. Moore, 1839.  Donnelley, Narrative, and U. Microfilms and via here as text.
  51. William Lewis Manly, DEATH VALLEY IN '49: IMPORTANT CHAPTER OF CALIFORNIA PIONEER HISTORY. San Jose: Pacific Tree and Vine Co., 1894. BiblioLife and via Gutenberg here and Library of Congress here as text.
  52. Frank Marryat, MOUNTAINS AND MOLEHILLS; OR, RECOLLECTIONS OF A BURNT JOURNAL. London: Longman, Brown, Green, and Longmans, 1855.  Nabu and Time Life Educational and via Library of Congress here and Google Books here.
  53. Charles Fayette McGlashan, HISTORY OF THE DONNER PARTY: A TRAGEDY OF THE SIERRA. San Francisco: A.L. Bancroft & Co., 1881.  Dodo, Hard, Kessinger and via Google Books here and Gutenberg here as text.
  54. Edward McGown, NARRATIVE OF EDWARD MCGOWN. San Francisco: Published by the author, 1857.  General Books, BiblioLife and BiblioBaazar and via Library of Congress here.
  55. Joaquin Miller, LIFE AMONGST THE MODOCS: UNWRITTEN HISTORY. London: Richard Bentley and Son, 1873.  British Library, Heyday, General Books and Kessinger and BiblioLife and via Google Books here.
  56. John Muir, THE MOUNTAINS OF CALIFORNIA. New York: Century Company, 1894.  Routinely available and via Google Books here the Sierra Club here and Library of Congress here (the latter two as text).
  57. Harris Newmark, SIXTY YEARS IN SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA, 1853-1913. New York: Knickerbocker Press, 1916.  Cornell University and via Library of Congress here and Google Books here.
  58. Frank Norris, McTEAGUE: A STORY OF SAN FRANCISCO. New York: Doubleday & McClure Co., 1899.  Routinely available and via Google Books here.and Gutenberg here as text.
  59. Francisco Palóu, RELACIÓN HISTÓRICA DE LA VIDA Y APOSTÓLICAS TAREAS DEL VENERABLE PADRE FRAY JUNÍPERO SERRA. Mexic:, Felipe de Zúñiga y Ontiveros, 1787.  Nabu and Kessinger and via Google Books here.
  60. James O. Pattie, THE PERSONAL NARRATIVE OF JAMES O. PATTIE, OF KENTUCKY. Cincinnati: John H. Wood, 1831.  Kessinger and Mountain Press and via Google Books here.
  61. Stephen Powers, AFOOT AND ALONE: A WALK FROM SEA TO SEA: Hartford: Columbian Book Co., 1872.  Routinely available and via Google Books here.
  62. REGLAMENTO PARA EL GOBIERNO DE LA PROVINCIA DE CALIFORNIAS. Mexico: Felipe de Zúñiga y Ontiveros, 1784.
  63. Joseph Warren Revere, A TOUR OF DUTY IN CALIFORNIA. New York: C.S. Francis, 1849.  General Books and Kessinger and via Google Books here.
  64. John Rollin Ridge, THE LIFE AND ADVENTURES OF JOAQUIN MURIETA. San Francisco: W.B. Cooke and Company, 1854.  Poitin Press and U. Oklahoma and via University of Indiana here as text.
  65. Alfred Robinson, LIFE IN CALIFORNIA. New York: Wiley & Putnam, 1846.  Nabu and Kessisnger and via Google Books here.
  66. Josiah Royce, CALIFORNIA FROM THE CONQUEST IN 1846 TO THE SECOND VIGILANCE COMMITTEE IN SAN FRANCISCO ... Boston & New York: Houghton, Mifflin and Company, 1886. University of Michigan, Nabu, General Books and Kessigner and via Google Books 1897 ed. here.
  67. Edwin L. Sabin, KIT CARSON DAYS (1809-1868). Chicago: A. C. McClurg & Co., 1914. Nabu, General Books and Kessigner and via Google Books here.
  68. Charles Howard Shinn, MINING CAMPS: A STUDY IN AMERICAN FRONTIER GOVERNMENT. New York: Charles Scribner's Sons, 1885. Beneral Books and Kessinger and via Google Books 1885 ed. here.
  69. [Louise Amelia Knapp Smith Clapp], CALIFORNIA IN 1851 [-52] BY DAME SHIRLEY. The Pioneer; or, California Monthly Magazine, 1854-5.  University of Michigan and via Library of Congress here as The Shirley Letters from California Mines.
  70. Frank Soulé. John H. Gigon, and James Nisbet, THE ANNALS OF SAN FRANCISCO. New York: D. Appleton & Company, 1855. Kessinger and via Google Books here and sfGeneology here as text.
  71. Robert Louis Stevenson, THE SILVERADO SQUATTERS. London: Chatto & Windus, 1883. Routinely available and via Library of Congress here and Google Books here.
  72. William F. Swasey, THE EARLY DAYS AND MEN OF CALIFORNIA. Oakland: Pacific Press Publishing Company, 1891. British Library and via Google Books here
  73. Bayard Taylor, ELDORADO; OR, ADVENTURES IN THE PATH OF EMPIRE ... New York: George P. Putnam, 1850. BioLife, Hard Press, Heyday, and Nabu and Univeristy of Michigan as a facsimile and via Library of Congress here and MOA here and Google Books here both 1859.
  74. Jessy Quinn Thornton, OREGON AND CALIFORNIA IN 1848 ... New York: Harper & Brothers, 1849.  Nabu and General Books and via Google Books here.
  75. Daniel Tyler, A CONCISE HISTORY OF THE MORMON BATTALION IN THE MEXICAN WAR. 1846-1847. Salt Lake City: [privately printed], 1881 [1882].  General Books and Kessinger and Cornell University digital ed. and via Google Books here.
  76. Samuel Curtis Upham, NOTES OF A VOYAGE TO CALIFORNIA VIA CAPE HORN ... Philadelphia: Published by the author, 1878. General Books and Ayer Co. and via Library of Congress here and Google Books here.
  77. George Vancouver, A VOYAGE OF DISCOVERY TO THE NORTH PACIFIC OCEAN, AND ROUND THE WORLD ... London: G.G. and J. Robinson, 1798. Nabu and General Books and via Canadiana here and Google Books here (both 1801 ed.).
  78. Miguel Venegas, NOTICIA DE LA CALIFORNIA, Y DE SU CONQUISTA TEMPORAL ... Madrid: Viuda de Manuel Fernández, 1757. English translations based on the 1759 London ed. by Nabu and General Books and via Google Books the 1759 English translation Natural and Civil History of California here.
  79. Felix Paul Wierzbicki, CALIFORNIA AS IT IS, AND AS IT MAY BE, OR, A GUIDE TO THE GOLD REGION. San Francisco: Washington Bartlett, 1849.  Via Library of Congress here.
  80. Daniel Bates Woods, SIXTEEN MONTHS AT THE GOLD DIGGINGS. New York: Harper & Brothers, 1851. Nabu, Harper and Kessinger and via Library of Congress here and Google Books here.

If you find a broken link, a newly published or posted title,
or simply the inclination to comment,
please write to George Boeck at